Right after the show, ‘Bigg Boss’ ended Paras Chhabra found himself surrounded by baseless false rumours. Despite his repetitive clarifications, Paras was blamed for numerous things. However, finally the truth triumphs. Paras fans leak his ex-girlfriend Akanksha Puri’s chat with a shoe brand for borrowing shoes and not buying it.“There were times I was maligned and kept saying it’s untrue, finally the truth has come out,” said Paras.
The two also had a rift overpayment of dues for styling him. After a stylist named Tasha accused Paras of not paying her for the services they provided during the show in terms of his styling and clothes. Also, Akanksha paid them 1 lakh until they broke up but stopped paying after that. However, after a lot of discussions Paras Chhabra cleared the dues and paid back Akanksha also which she gave to them on his behalf but Paras always maintained that it was a mutually beneficial deal and he had to unnecessarily bear the cost.
Talking about the same Paras said, “PR stunt? Really? Truth doesn’t need any medium to come out. However, If it needs my clarification, I will clarify it! This is not the first time I have tried to put my side of the story. Even when this baseless rumour started doing the rounds, I clarified myself but unfortunately, it went unheard which is why I had to do it now. And why shouldn’t I? Why should I take the blame of something I have not done! I don’t need to indulge or resort to any kind of “dirty PR stunt”. My work speaks for itself. I want to be known for my work, not these irrelevant rumours. The truth has prevailed and proven, also proves the malicious design for us.”
Let’s wait and watch whether Akanksha has any revert to Paras after these or not. Stay hooked onto Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: ‘Hashtag Love Soniyea’ Teaser: Mahira Sharma and Paras Chhabra’s lovey-dovey song is oozing with romance