Parth Samthaan fans have been eagerly waiting for the actor to come up with his first web show. And now there’s a piece of good news for fans, Parth Samthaan has finally wrapped up the shoot for Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu. Yes! Parth Samthaan has completed the shoot for Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu. The actor along with the team of the web show partied as they concluded the shoot.
From cutting cakes to posing for group photos, Parth Samthaan had a gala time as he wrapped up the shoot for his web show. A few hours, Parth shared some BTS moments from the wrap-up party on his Instagram handle. He wrote a heartfelt appreciation post for ‘boss lady’ Ekta Kapoor and thanked him for giving him the opportunities. Parth is all set to play a never-see-before avatar in the show.
Calling it an unexpected journey, Parth expressed “And it’s a Wrap, Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu, finally, it had been an unexpectedly long journey but a beautiful and learning one. So grateful to Ekta Kapoor Ma’am for believing in me that I could explore myself as an actor and break that ideal son image from Kasautii and become a Villian/Hero.”
Being the darling that he is, Parth also expressed his gratitude towards the team of Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu. ‘Also not to forget Samar Khan, our producer, to set up the show beautifully and of course our director Siddhartha Luther for executing it and bringing Nawab to life. Thank you. Loved the script from day one, a big Thank you to all the writers, technicians, DOP and to be honest I had some amazing co-actors to work with. A learning lesson for me indeed. Thank you.’
Check out Parth Samthaan enjoying at the wrap up party of Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu:Â
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Meanwhile, Parth recently turned a year older and celebrated his birthday with his Kasautii Zindagii Kay team. What are your thoughts on the same?