‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ actress Mohena Kumari Singh got hitched to Suyesh Rawat on October 14, 2019, in Haridwar. It was a royal wedding attended by celebs, their close friends and families. Post the wedding they had a grand reception at Mohena’s hometown Rewa. Now, the couple had one more wedding reception in Delhi on November 28. It was attended by Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi who blessed Mohena and Suyesh for a happy married life.
Mohena took to her Instagram handle to share a picture from her reception where PM Modi was also seen posing with the couple along with others. “Truly blessed by the gracious presence of our honourable and admired Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji at our Reception. And a huge big thank you for this Uber Cool Selfie! Koti Koti Pranaam,” she captioned the picture.
Have a look at the picture here.
Have a look at more pictures from the wedding reception.
Mohena’s marriage was very special for her family because, after 100 years, a princess of Rewa got married. For the uninitiated, Mohena Kumari Singh is from a royal family of Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. The pictures and videos from Mohena’s wedding went viral all over the internet.
Mohena played Keerti Singhania in ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’. She is also a great dancer and choreographer and took part in many reality shows. Earlier in an interview, Mohena said that she will quit acting post marriage.
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