Prince Narula, who has made a name for himself by ruling reality shows and emerged winner, is expected to appear in the forthcoming season of Khatron Ke Khiladi, a stunt-based reality show. The actor, who was a contestant on Roadies and Splitsvilla, is now a mentor for the show’s contestants. Prince Narula went live on Instagram a few days ago with Nikhil Chinappa, Kevin, and Hamid, and during the live, Prince made this revelation.Â
He claimed that the show has been offered to him for a long time but that he was unable to accept it owing to his music videos and other commitments. However, now he is all set to do this stunt-based show and assured that he would perform well and is made for such shows. In comparison to Roadies, where contestants injure themselves, Prince stated that Khatron Ke Khiladi includes safety safeguards.
“I know, even if I go to Khatron Ke Khiladi, I will not leave anyone. I will make it difficult for other contestants because I enjoy doing all of this and I am not scared of heights, water or anything. I have been rejecting the offer for the past many years but this year, I am thinking that it should be done now,” affirmed Prince.
Nikhil and Prince also backed their friend Varun Sood and complimented his muscular physique. Prince further stated that while executing stunts in Khatron Ke Khiladi 11, the timing and pressure cause one to forget everything.
Then the four of them remembered about their Roadies and Splitsvilla days and discussed how they handled their responsibilities. People who have done Roadies have a greater feeling of performing in Khatron Ke Khiladi, according to Prince and Nikhil, and this is a benefit for Varun Sood.
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