Actor Priyank Sharma is all set to join the cast of the crime thriller web series ‘Mumbhai’, in which he will be portraying quite a pivotal role. Taking over the digital space with a 3rd web show now, Priyank is in fact quite excited to be a part of good and interesting content in the digital world. He feels that this is the new and happening medium for content now which is sure to stay!
Speaking about the uprise of digital shows and his second association with ‘Balaji’ for ‘Mumbhai’, Priyank shares,“Things are really changing now as everything is going online. The digital space has become the next big medium for viewing content. I am quite loving it myself because this is the new place to be at, and just about everybody wants to now become a digital star! The best part about this era of web content is the audience, because they are becoming quite smart and selective about what they want to watch, and that is what only works!”
He added, “Content is now the king, because however big or small the project is, if the content isn’t good enough or satisfying for the viewers it won’t stand much of a chance to sustain well! ‘Mumbhai’ is also my second show with Balaji and I very glad to be associating with them again. I am grateful to Ekta Ma’am for coming up with this amazing show, which I am very excited to be a part of along with the entire cast & crew. Mumbhai is going to showcase a very different side of me, which I am quite happy about.”
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