Ramanand Sagar’s ‘Ramayan’ is being broadcasted once again on Doordarshan after 33 years. Due to which, many interesting things related to the making and shooting of this historical show are coming out, which you will surely be surprised to know about. All the characters were a stand out in themselves and all were equally loved. Remember Rajashekar Upadhyay aka Jamwant from ‘Ramayan’? This is what he looks like now!
Rajeshkar was known for playing the character of Jamwant on the epic. Currently, he is also seen teaching the
nuances of spirituality on all religious forums these days. Check out how the actor looks these days.
Not many know that Rajasekhar and Ramanand Sagar had an old friendship. The two knew each other ever since the idea of ​​Ramayana was not even in execution. Ramanand had once even slapped Rajeshkar when he suddenly arrived in his room, he saw that he was playing cards. Sagar said that he was a good person and should not do it. He then tore the cards away at the same moment and never played cards after that.
Rajasekhar has played many characters in this show from Agnidev to the character of Jamwant. Rajasekhar also worked in ‘Vikram Betal’ before the ‘Ramayana’.
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