Iconic show ‘Ramayan’ (2008) has successfully received a warm welcome from the audiences on its rerun amidst the lockdown. While people are extremely happy to be watching it on air once again, many are also now wanting to know the backstories of how the shooting would take place, and actress Debina Bonnerjee is happy to reveal some secrets from the show’s shoot back then!
“Gurmeet Choudhary and I would actually fight about who would get into the makeup seat first, so the other could catch up on some sleep,” reveals Debina Bonnerjee. Debina revealed that getting into the costumes of Ram and Sita was initially the most challenging part of the shoot for Gurmeet and her because it took a whole lot of effort and time to get into the character’s attire.
Gurmeet Choudhary and Debina Bonnerjee spoke to Bollywood Bubble a few days back about the ongoing lockdown and how the two have been spending a lot of time together with each other. Have a look:
Speaking about some makeup room secrets, Debina Bonnerjee shares, “I remember how taxing the first few days of the shoot was for Gurmeet Choudhary and I. Getting into our costumes with all the excess makeup and jewellery took really long! Though over time we managed to get ready really fast because we then finally got used to the routine and somehow it increased our speed of getting into our attire as well. But due to the long hour shoots, we were always low on sleep, so Gurmeet Choudhary and I would actually fight about who would get into the makeup seat first, so the other could catch up on some sleep in the meanwhile! Though we would just aim at getting ready as quickly as we could, to rest for a while before getting onto the set for the day.”
Also Read: ‘Ramayan’: Debina Bonnerjee reveals most challenging shooting experience from the epic show
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