Popular show Ramayan’s Sita, Ram and Laxman aka Dipika Chikhlia, Arun Govil and Sunil Lahri wished their fans and followers on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami. The trio shared sketches and stills from their all-time hit mythological show. Interestingly, Ramayan is airing on the small screen once again amidst the statewide lockdown in Maharashtra.
Arun Govil wished his fans and followers by praising Lord Ram. “Jai Shree Ram ?#happyramnavami #ramnavami #ramnavami2021(sic).“
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Dipika Chikhlia, Arun Govil and Sunil Lahri are still showered with love and affection for their portrayal of Sita, Ram and Laxman in Ramayan which first aired more than three decades back.
Today on the occasion of Ram Navami, Dipika shared a fan-made sketch from Ramayan and wishing her fans she wrote, “Wishing you all Happy Ram Navmi (sic).” The actress also shared a shlok on Lord Ram.
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Sunil, who played Lord Ram’s younger brother Lord Laxman, posted, “Aap sabhi ko रामनवमी ki bahut bahut shubhkamnaye aur Badhai, Bhagwan Ram aap sabhi ko Khush Rakhe aur Swasth rakhen….(sic).”
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Last year amidst the lockdown on popular demand Ramayan had aired again on television. The show had received a massive response from the viewers and it helped keep people glued to their small screens. This year, the show is being aired on TV again. Sharing the news on her Instagram handle, Dipika had posted, “So excited to share that Ramayan will be airing on the small screens again this year! Ramayan aired during the lockdown last year and looks like history is repeating itself. The show has been a huge part of not just my life, but thousands of Indian families for years. Come be a part of our community and share the knowledge of the Ramayan with generations to come. Tune in to Star Bharat every day at 7 pm to watch Ramanand Sagar’s ‘Ramayan’(sic).”
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Ramayan also features Arvind Trivedi (Ravana) and Dara Singh (Hanuman) in key roles. The show first aired on January 25, 1987.
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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