Rithvik Dhanjani has already made quite a fiery start, in ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’s special made in India edition. Coming back once again to compete for the title among a host of others, Rithvik has aced both the weekend blindfolded car and unlock tasks, enabling him to be the first one to win the ‘Champions Jacket’! Now isn’t that fantastic?
Known to be one who is adventure driven and likes a good thrill in life, Rithvik is very excited to be back on the show the second time around, this time even more charged up than the first!
Speaking about his love for ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’ and how excited he is to be a part of it again, Rithvik shares, “I can say this quite loud and clear that I am very excited to be a part of Khatron Ke Khiladi for the second time. I am as excited as I was the first time, and if given a chance I can do Khatron Ke Khiladi over and over again, a 1000 times over because I just love it! I am very excited for my journey on the show and have no idea what’s in store for me or any of us on it, but its definitely going to keep everyone on the edge of their seats with all the thrill, excitement and adventure!”
Karishma Tanna won the last season of the Rohit Shetty hosted ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 10’. Only time will tell who will be able to lift the winner’s trophy this time over. Stay hooked onto Bollywood Bubble for more updates on the show.
Born a Movie Buff, working as a Film Critique and enjoying life as a Bollywood Reporter.
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