Due to the nationwide lockdown television broadcasters have been making the most of it. Old classic mythological shows like ‘Ramayan’ and ‘Mahabharat’ are being aired again on the small screen. Since these shows have come back on-air, the audience has been more interested in the stars of these shows and did you know that Shivaji Satam aka ACP Pradyuman has a connection with ‘Ramayan’.
Shivaji Satam aka ACP Pradyuman of popular TV show ‘CID’ celebrated his birthday yesterday. Apart from ‘CID’, he has also worked in films like ‘Vaastav’, ‘Ghulam-e-Mustafa’, ‘Suryavansham’, ‘Nayak’. According to a report in The Times of India, Shivaji has a special connection Ramanand Sagar’s ‘Ramayan’.
No, Shivaji didn’t play any role in the mythological show also he was not a part of the show in any capacity! Actor Bal Dhuri, who played the role of King Dasaratha in ‘Ramayan’ was the one who gave Shivaji Satam his first break in the industry. In 1988, Shivaji made his debut in the Hindi film ‘Pestonji’.
Apart from being recognized for his role on ‘CID’, Shivaji has also received several accolades for his acting skills.
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