‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’s star Mohsin Khan has turned a year older today. On his birthday, his co-star and girlfriend Shivangi Joshi wished him in a unique way. She took to her Instagram stories and posted a few pictures of her with him from their shoot.
Posting an adorable picture of both hugging each other, Shivangi wished Mohsin. She wrote, “Wishing you a very happy birthday! May all your dreams come true.” She also shared a picture and a few videos from the sets of ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’.
Here are the screenshots of Shivangi’s birthday posts for her beau.
These pictures and videos proof that Shivangi and Mohsin are head over heels in love with each other. The couple is favourite of their fans and they are one of the most loved couples on television. They fell in love on the sets of ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’. Earlier while talking about why he fell in love with Shivangi, Mohsin told a news agency, “Shivangi’s innocence made me fall for her. We are still exploring each other. It has been a long friendship and a beautiful journey, which has now blossomed into love.”
When during an ‘Ask Me Anything’ section, Shivangi was asked who her favourite hero is, she took the name of Mohsin. When one fan asked if she loved Kartik or not, she replied that she does and is a big fan of KaiRa (fans call Mohsin and Shivangi by this name).