14-year-old child artist Shivlesh Singh, also known as the ‘Sasural Simar Ka’ actor, lost his life in a car accident. His parents were left injured as their car collided with a truck in Raipur. The victims were heading for Raipur from Bilaspur for a media interaction of Shivlekh. Unfortunately then, their car hit the rear side of a truck approaching.
The accident took place in Dharsiwa area of Raipur. While Shivlesh died on the spot, his mother Lekhna and father Shivendra Singh were injured as per the reports. The actor had been staying in Mumbai with his parents for the last 10 years. He had worked in several television shows such as ‘Sankatmochan Hanuman’, ‘Agnifera’, ‘Sasural Simar Ka‘ and a few others.
As per several reports, efforts were on to trace the truck driver who escaped from the spot leaving behind his vehicle when the accident happened. Soon after the accident, his pictures went viral on social media and celebs started mourning for the child actor.
We wish Shivlesh’s family finds the stength to cope with this loss.
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