TV actor Shraddha Arya, who is best popular for her character of Dr. Preeta Arora in the daily soap ‘Kundali Bhagya’ which also stars Dheeraj Dhoopar in the lead, is an avid social media user. She often posts breathtaking pictures from her photoshoots and also treats her fans with glimpses of her personal life. She has a massive social media reach and following of over 3 million, it is just a matter of time when most of Shraddha Arya’s posts go viral within a short span.
Recently, the actress took to the ‘gram to share some smoking hot pictures taking a shower while sporting a floral, cut-out monokini. She is looking sizzling and the photos have been taking the internet by storm. Shraddha shared a series of photos enjoying herself under the shower whilst oozing confidence as she flaunted her figure and posed for the camera. She captioned the photos as ”AntiFragile #nofilter (sic).”
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Soon after Shraddha shared the pictures, her colleagues and friends including Ssara Khan, Kanika Maan, Anjum Fakih, Krishna Mukherjee dropped comments on the post and praised Arya’s hot persona. Though there are few negative comments from her fans as well. One fan wrote, “Sraddha you are so beautiful, but aap mujhe saree or suits me Jada achhi lagti ho (I like you better in suits and sarees).” Another mentioned, “Kya yrr kitne hot ho duniya ko batana jaruri nahi hai…sab apko as Preeta like karte hai, per aap toh logo ki respect deserve hi nahi karte (Is it important to show hot you are to the world? People like you as Preeta but you don’t deserve people’s respect). For the unversed, Shraddha has been part of several popular shows like ‘Dream Girl’, ‘Tumhari Pakhi’ and ‘Main Laxmi Tere Angan Ki’.
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