Recently, when Shweta Tiwari had gone to cape town, some live videos of Abhinav Kohli were doing rounds on the internet, suggesting that an FIR has been registered against her and that she had fled the country in violation of the proceedings pending before the court. It has been noticed that since the past several months the estranged husband of Shweta Tiwari has been approaching various authorities for taking legal action against her. According to a report on India Forums on the basis of sources, there is a new development in this case now.
The source has said, “It is correct that an FIR is filed in the year 2021 for the alleged offense committed in 2017 which pertains to forging of a NOC of Abhinav Kohli permitting their minor son to apply for a visa for traveling to the UK. The source further says that as per Abhinav, his signature on The NOC was forged by Shweta which seems rather odd as in the same year Abhinav has gone ahead and given another NOC for the purpose of securing visa for their son to travel to the same country. The source further added that if Abhinav’s signature was forged by Shweta then why would he give the same NOC at a subsequent date for travel to the same country. Furthermore, if the alleged forging was committed in 2017 then why did Abhinav wait until 2021.”Â
The source has also handed over to this correspondent the copy of the order dated 14.07.2021 passed by the honourable sessions court (Greater Bombay) granting anticipatory bail to Shweta Tiwari in the same FIR registered in the instance of Abhinav Kohli. Her application was argued by Advocate Hrishikesh Mundargi and Subir Sarkar and was finally allowed in favour of Shweta Tiwari the honourable session judge while allowing this anticipatory bail application and after considering the intervention application filed by Abhinav Kohli through his lawyer and after hearing their submission, has held that there is not even a single ground necessitating the arrest of Shweta Tiwari and that she is entitled to protection from arrest.
Recently she has shared a slew of photos with her son and they are too adorable to miss. In the photos, the mother-son duo can be seen gazing at each other lovingly as he smiles and she pouts. Shweta is also seen reading a book on a relaxing Sunday. She can be seen dressed in blue salwar-kameez while Reyansh can be seen wearing an orange sleeveless t-shirt. In the post, she called her son her ‘twinkling star’. Currently, Shweta is seen in the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi.
Also Read: Shweta Tiwari turns up the heat in a pink pantsuit and bralette