Actress, Smriti Khanna and actor, Gautam Gupta, first met on the sets of television show, Meri Aashiqui Tumse Hi and had started dating each other back then during their stint on the show. In 2017, Gautam had proposed Smriti in a filmy way. The duo had then been to Goa to celebrate Gautam’s birthday, and that was when he had popped the million-dollar question to Smriti. The loving couple got married in 2017, the duo was blessed with a baby girl, Alayna on April 15, 2020.
Recently, Smriti Khanna has been sharing some pictures and videos from her vacation, though the location has not been disclosed by the actress yet. She also posted a video with hubby, Gautam Gupta. While the duo twinned in white, they forgot that they were parents now and were about to leave without their furry baby and daughter, Alayna. She captioned it as “Nothing can make me happier than being here with my babies.” Â
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Smriti also took to her IG stories to share some pictures from her vacation. While one of the photographs was just before she hit the pool, with a ‘time to swim’ sticker on it, the other story featured her chilling by the pool. In another story, she was spotted filming her daughter, Alayna Gupta, who was busy playing. On the other hand, she also shared some selfies with her ‘girl squad’. One picture which is the most adorable one is her cutesy selfie with Alayna in which the mommy-daughter duo was pouting. While mommy, Smriti Khanna wore a peach-colour embroidered top, baby Alayna wore a white frock with a black border on it.