Trust Surbhi Chandna to sweep you off your feet every time she posts something on her Instagram handle. Recently too, Surbhi left fans gawking with her hot-hot reel video, and it has taken the internet on fire. While fans couldn’t stop gushing over her looks, her former Naagin 5 co-star Sharad Malhotra dropped in a special request. Yes! Sharad Malhotra commented on the latest video by Surbhi Chandna, and it has left Sharbhi fans in awe.
Surbhi Chandna in her latest reel video is seen flaunting her sexy adaayein as she enjoys the title track of Scam 1992. Looking completely badass in an all-black rider look, Surbhi is oozing hotness every second. Fans were gaga and commented saying Surbhi is raising the temperatures with her hotness. However, Sharad Malhotra had a special request for her Chandu for her next reel video. Are you wondering what it is?
Sharad Malhotra wants Surbhi Chandna to turn into a biker for a vido and enjoy the two-wheeler experience. Yes! “Chanduuuu next reel feel karte hue bike chalate hue….pleeeeej,” wrote Sharad. Sharbhi fans also backed Sharad’s request and demanded Surbhi to work out on it soon. Surbhi’s Naagin 5 co-star Utkarsh Gupta also went ‘ufff’ on seeing her sexy video.
Vikas Kalaantri was all hearts for Surbhi’s huge weight loss and transformation. He wrote, “Freaking hotness. How have u transitioned so much? Amazing hard work and great dedication!” Surbhi also expressed how she finds this theme song catchy. “Don’t Kill Me cause I haven’t watched the show,” she added.
Here’s what Sharad Malhotra has to say about Surbhi Chandna going all out to spread her hotness:Â
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[caption id="attachment_992148" align="aligncenter" width="824"] Sharad Malhotra comments on Surbhi Chandna’s latest video[/caption]
Meanwhile, Surbhi Chandna and Sharad Malhotra are all set to entice fans with their firey chemistry once again in a music video soon. The track happens to be a romantic one, and the two also shot for the same recently. What are your thoughts on the same? Are you excited about Sharbhi’s music video? Let us know.