It was in February when The Kapil Sharma Show fans received the shocking news of the show’s closure. Yes, TKSS went off-air in the second week of February. However, Bharti Singh had confirmed to us that The Kapil Sharma Show is not bidding adieu forever, but will return with freshness. Ever since then, fans have been eagerly waiting for Kapil Sharma and his team to be back.
Now, there’s a piece of happy news for all The Kapil Sharma Show viewers. Well, Krushna Abhishek has confirmed that TKSS is set to return to the TV screens in May. Yes! The Kapil Sharma Show is all set to make a grand comeback in May with some interesting twists. Confirming the news to the Times of India, Krushna Abhishek revealed that The Kapil Sharma Show will be back with a new season in May 2021. However, the final date has not been decided yet.
“The show is returning to TV in May. We haven’t finalised the date yet,” said Krushna. He added, “There will be new things this time also. The set will go under a revamp. We will have a new set and there will be a few new additions also.”
Krushna also revealed that he is missing the TKSS sets, team and playing Sapna. He said that the team had lots of fun and never realised how the entire day would pass so swiftly. “Kapil and I discussed a lot over the phone as we both want the show to return soon. He is also gearing up and excited that we will be doing the new season and new things,” shared Krushna.
Here is Kapil’s post on the new season of The Kapil Sharma Show:Â
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He is all praises for Kapil Sharma and feels that his brain works faster when humour is involved. “Kapil is a very creative person, he’s very sharp,” Krushna said. He also added that the entire TKSS team will decide what is to be done next in the new season, and they’re excited to be back once again.
The show bid goodbye as Kapil Sharma’s wife Ginni Chatrath delivered a baby boy and he wanted to spend time with his family. The TKSS team also includes Archana Puran Singh, Kiku Sharda, Sumona Chakravarti, Bharti Singh, Chandan Prabhakar. What are your thoughts on the same? Are you excited for the new season of TKSS? Let us know.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Bharti Singh CONFIRMS The Kapil Sharma Show to go on a break: Will return with freshness