Bhavya Gandhi, who earlier played the role of Tapu in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, lost his father to COVID 19 a few weeks ago. The young actor’s father, Vinod Gandhi, succumbed to COVID complications, after being hospitalized for several days. Bhavya Gandhi shared a strong connection with his late father and looked up to him for inspiration.
After his father’s demise, Bhavya is trying to come to terms with reality, and accept the bitter truth. His father is close to his father, and he often keeps remembering him. A recent post, where Bhavya Gandhi shared a throwback photo with his father has taken the internet by storm. His caption for his late ‘daddy dearest’ has touched the hearts of fans. Yes!
Bhavya remembered his late father in his recent post and shared a ‘happy moment’ with him. In the throwback photo, the father-son duo is all suited up. Bhavya looked dashing in a three-piece maroon suit, while his father donned a two-piece white suit. Sharing the photo, Bhavya called his father a ‘Hero.’ Yes!
This emotional and heartwarming post by Bhavya Gandhi for his late father has caught people’s attention. They showered their love on Bhavya and his family and sent strength to them to deal with their loss
Bhavya Gandhi misses late father:Â
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In a previous post, mourning his father’s untimely demise, Bhavya wrote, “He fought COVID with all his power he stood on the battlefield till his last breath, he fought COVID like a KING. He was, is and will always be the reason for everything great and good in my life. My dad used to take utmost care of himself with and without COVID and COVID still got him. I know wherever you are Papa, you are happy. Thank You for teaching everything Papa. I love you. Until next time Papa.”