Earlier this week, TMKOC actor Gurucharan Singh shared a concerning video showing him lying in a hospital bed. Reports indicate that he is currently in a critical condition. His friend Bhakti Soni revealed that Singh had not eaten or drunk water for 19 days. This had lead to his unconsciousness and subsequent hospitalization.
TMKOC Gurucharan Singh is in critical condition in the hospital
In an interview with Times Now, Bhakti expressed her worries, “He hasn’t eaten food or drunk water for 19 days. Because of that, he fell unconscious and was quickly rushed to the hospital.” She mentioned that despite his health struggles. Gurucharan was eager to return to work but had not found any opportunities. She shared that during their last conversation, he mentioned, “By January 13 or January 14, I will understand whether I will remain on this earth or not.” His family is deeply concerned about his health. But as told by Bhakti, “Gurucharan is not listening to anybody.”
In his Instagram video, Gurucharan expressed gratitude on the occasion of Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti. He revealed that he has been unwell. Although he did not specify the reason for his hospitalization, he remarked, “Haalat bahot zyada kharab ho gayi hai.” He shared a heartfelt message in his post, “On the occasion of Gurpurab, Guru Sahib Ji blessed me with a new life. Infinite and unlimited thanks to Guru Sahib Ji.” He continued, “Because of Guru Sahib Ji’s grace, I am alive and standing before you today. Thank you to everyone. Rab Rakha and may Waheguru continue to shower His blessings.”
Gurucharan Singh’s career
Gurucharan Singh is best known for portraying Roshan Singh Sodhi. He was a beloved character on the show, known for his fun-loving nature and affection for his wife. As a founding cast member, he left the show in 2012, returning the following year due to popular demand. After his exit in 2020, he was succeeded by actor Balwinder Singh Suri.