Two actresses who had been working in the crime-related television shows, Savdhaan India and Crime Patrol were arrested by the Mumbai Police on Friday. They were taken into custody in the case of theft as per the latest reports. The police informed ANI that both the actresses were suffering through a financial crisis because they did not have work due to the pandemic. They had shifted to a building which is located in the Royal Palm area of Aarey Colony a few days ago. It was a guest accommodation run by one of their friends.
They both had fled from Aarey Colony after they allegedly stole Rs 3,28,000 from the locker of a woman who was staying as a paying guest in the same place. During the investigation, the woman revealed to the police that she suspected TV actors Surabhi Surendra Lal Srivastava (25) and Mosina Mukhtar Sheikh (19) of taking her money.
The CCTV footage was examined and both the actresses were said to be seen carrying huge bundles of cash. Later, the duo broke down and confessed to stealing the money.
According to a report by ANI, the police said, “They’re in Police custody. Rs 50,000 recovered from them. They had played small roles in Savdhaan India & Crime Patrol” Aarey Police Station’s senior officer Nutan Power also revealed that ‘apart from popular TV shows like Crime Patrol and Savdhaan India, the actresses have also worked in many web series.’
Mumbai: Two women, who work in TV serials, arrested for stealing Rs 3.28 Lakhs from the paying guest accommodation they stayed at, in Aarey Colony
Police say, "They're in Police custody. Rs 50,000 recovered from them. They had played small roles in Savdhaan India & Crime Patrol"
— ANI (@ANI) June 18, 2021
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