Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is all set to witness a ‘big twist’ and leave fans stunned. As it is already known, Karan Kundrra has joined the cast of YRKKH as Ranveer. He plays the ex-lover of Sirat (Shivangi Joshi). Now, viewers who were eagerly waiting to see Sirat and Kartik (Mohsin Khan) as a ‘couple,’ will receive a great shock in the coming episodes.
A new promo of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been released on social media. It hints towards the unexpected ‘changes’ that will crop up in Kartik, Sirat and Ranveer’s life shortly. According to the latest promo, Ranveer will interrupt Kartik and Sirat’s engagement ceremony. Yes, you read that right! Ranveer will become a roadblock in Kartik and Sirat’s union.
It so happens, Kartik, Sirat, Kairav and the Goenka family are all decked up for the duo’s ring ceremony. While Sirat preps up to exchange rings with Kartik, tables turn, and she notices Ranveer at the venue. Upon seeing Ranveer arrive at the spot suddenly, Sirat gets emotional. She leaves the stage and runs towards Ranveer to embrace him. Yes!
Sirat leaves Kartik and the engagement ceremony for the moment, to meet her ex-lover Ranveer. While Kartik is visibly upset, while Kairav is in a state of shock. Kairav tries to bring Sirat back, but Kartik stops him.
Twist in Kartik and Sirat’s life with Ranveer’s entry in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai:Â
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It would be interesting to see how Kartik and Sirat’s lives change with Ranveer’s entry. Is Sirat still in love with Ranveer? Will she decide to break her engagement with Kartik due to Ranveer? A lot of questions remain unanswered.
But only time will tell what happens next in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. However, one thing is certain, with Karan joining YRKKH, drama and entertainment will be top-notch. Are you excited? Let us know.
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