Mohena Kumari Singh, best known for her role Keerti Singhania in YRKKH, recently opened up about returning to the entertainment world. She quit TV back in 2019 and got settled in her life. Mohena, who hails from a Royal family, tied the knot to Suyash Rawat. After bidding adieu to the Television industry, Mohena is enjoying her married life. However, in a recent interview with the Times of India, Mohena Kumari Singh hinted of returning to TV. No, not on YRKKH.
When asked about her plans to make a comeback to TV, Mohena told TOI that she might re-enter. “I strongly believe in the saying ‘Never say never.’ I am not sure whether I would ever like to return to TV, but that does not mean that I will never come back on screen,” she said. However, she mentioned that she is currently in a happy phase in life, and enjoying it completely.
The actress went on to share that she has learnt a lot while working in the industry. The profession has taught her craft of acting, about life, relationships, people, and more. She admitted that she misses her life as an actress, and more so her co-stars. “Of course, I miss having a routine, getting up in the wee hours to be on the sets, and miss meeting my co-actors,” Mohena stated.
However, she feels that is okay till now. Mohena thinks that technology has made so many things possible. And that is why though she is away from everybody, she is still in touch with them through phone calls and video chats. “But I like seeing them in person and would soon like to visit Mumbai to meet my friends from the telly world,” Mohena concluded.
Check out some throwback moments of Mohena Kumari Singh from YRKKH here:Â
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Well, it means returning to the entertainment world is on Mohena’s mind. Meanwhile, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai aka YRKKH is fairing well on the TRP charts. It stars Shivangi Joshi as Sirat and Mohsin Khan as Kartik in the lead roles.