Fans of Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai (YRKKH) are in for a shock. A recent promo for the show shows Kartik (Mohsin Khan) bringing Sirat (Shivangi Joshi) to the mandap and while everyone expects him to be the groom, turns out it is Ranveer (Karan Kundra). Kartik is seen handing Sirat’s hand to Ranveer in a twist and we wonder if this is a part of a dream or the makers testing waters with the upcoming twist.
In the small promo released, Mohsin is seen looking handsome in a beige-coloured sherwani while Shivangi is dressed in bridal wear accentuated with jewellery and heavy makeup. Karan also is seen in a embroider sherwani for the sequence. The cast is really dressed to the T for the occasion but we wonder what causes this change in action. YRKKH is the longest-running show on Indian Television.
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The show has been headlined by Shivangi Joshi and Mohsin Khan in the last few years with fans celebrating their journey as Kaira. It was only a day back when fans trended Kaira as they complete a milestone yet again. YRKKH has been constantly trying to up their game with each year. The innumerable twists and turns on the show are enough to keep the audience hooked and how. The show recently saw Karan enter and the actor on multiple occasions has expressed his excitement about being a part of the ensemble. He was earlier quoted saying that his character is for a limited period and he is pretty pumped up about it.