Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai recently introduced a new track to grab viewers’ eyeballs. Naira’s character came to an end in YRKKH. However, Shivangi Joshi was entered the show Sirat, a boxer by profession and a lookalike of Naira. Naira’s demise has left Kartik (Moshin Khan) and Kairav (Aarambh Tehran Sehgal) reeling in pain. While Kartik, Kairav, and the Goenka family cannot come to terms with Naira’s loss, Rhea is playing another track.
Rhea (played by Priyamvada Kant) is trying to get closer to Kartik and is leaving no stones unturned to win his heart. After Naira’s death, Rhea wants to marry Kartik and be called his wife. Though Rhea is doing all that she can to win over Kartik, he is disinterested and is avoiding her to the best he can. Rhea’s clingy attitude is annoying Kartik to the core, and she is getting on his nerves.
Now, Rhea will turn possessive about Kartik and will cross limits to make him fall in love with her and forget Naira. On the other hand, Kartik is in a dilemma after meeting Sirat, as he feels she is his Naira. Kartik once again tries to meet Sirat, he saves her from his step-father. Kartik and Sirat form a connection and become good friends.
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While Kartik and Sirat are getting to know each other, Rhea is turning toxic with each passing day. Rhea gets irked with Kartik that despite her efforts, he is not paying any heed and blatantly ignoring her. Rhea shows her evil side and warns Kairav to ‘not’ talk about Naira anymore in the house and especially in front of Kartik. Rhea also plans to impress Dadi and the Goenka family, as it will clear her way to marry Kartik soon.
Later, Kartik reveals to everyone that he met Sirat, and she is not Naira. Rhea is relieved to know about Sirat. She amps up her game to make a place in Kartik’s heart. She decides to do everything to marry Kartik before he forms a strong connection with Sirat.
Well, it would be interesting to see how the story of YRKKH moves forward. Will Rhea come in between Kartik and Sirat’s karmic love story? What are your thoughts on the same? Let us know in the comment section below.