Celina Jaitl

Bollywood actress Celina Jaitly had recently featured in a Bollywood style music video on gay rights. The video has got over one million views online and become one of the United Nations’ most watched videos. As a campaign against homophobia, the video titled ‘The Welcome’ was launched by UN in April 2014.


Charles Radcliff of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights gladly shared the news on his Twitter page.

The music video is an initiative of UN as part of the UN’s ‘Free and Equal’ campaign to support equality for the LGBT community. The short clip shows two guys who want to marry each other amidst a bright marriage mood.

Celina Jaitly who made her singing debut with this gay rights video was quite happy with the response. She hoped that the video will spread awareness about the gay rights. Celina has been actively associated with the gay rights campaign and was nominated by the High Commissioner for Human Rights as a UN Equality Champion for her constant support for LGBT rights.

Check Out the Video : “The Welcome – United Nations Free & Equal’