Bollywood’s latest heartthrob Varun Dhawan is busy promoting his upcoming action dhamaka ‘Dishoom’. The actor was recently in Jaipur with the gorgeous Sri Lankan beauty Jacqueline Fernandez to promote his film. During a media interaction at the event, the ‘Main Tera Hero’ star was heard making a statement against piracy of films in the pink city.
Varun Dhawan was asked about the recent spate of films like ‘Udta Punjab’, ‘Great Grand Masti’ and others that were embroiled in a controversy with the censor board being leaked on the internet.
Reacting to the question, fiercely protective of his upcoming release, Varun said, “John and I will beat those who are leaking films.”
Watch the video below to know what else Varun said about movies leaking prior to their release in theaters.
Rohit Dhawan directorial ‘Dishoom’ stars Varun Dhawan, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez and Akshaye Khanna in pivotal roles. The film releases on July 29, 2016.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan and John Abraham promote ‘Dishoom’ on Fever 104 FM