Versatile and multitalented Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra is making a name for herself in the world of Hollywood. The ‘Quantico’ beauty was recently seen dancing to a parody of Bruno Mars’ Uptown Funk and Prince’s hit song ‘Kiss’. This was at the annual ABC Upfront show in New York where she paid a tribute to late musician Prince.
Video of PeeCee energetically dancing down the audience aisles to a parody of songs has made its way online. The ‘Mary Kom’ actress was looking stunningly beautiful in a red number. She was much praised by international media that said, “Priyanka Chopra is the biggest breakout star to emerge from ABC in the past 5 years”-@Variety”.
@priyankachopra IS SLAAAAYING #ABCUpfront ????? #Upfronts2016
— ѕαмαher ღ (@mo0o0dy) May 17, 2016
Backstage with @priyankachopra
— Priyanka Chopra FC (@PriyankaDaily) May 18, 2016
Another video that is making waves online has Priyanka as her character Alex Parrish from ‘Quantico’ with ‘Agents of Shield’ stars Clark Gregg.
Video: @priyankachopra vs. @clarkgregg ? #ABCUpfront
— Priyanka Chopra FC (@PriyankaDaily) May 17, 2016
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra keeps Dwayne Johnson at gun point
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